The Vatican and gop

Craig Rhodes
3 min readJul 1, 2022

The main driver for making abortion illegal again is seldom if ever mentioned …the Vatican nation. It’s time we quit giving the Vatican a pass or benefit of the doubt. The fact that it isn’t being held accountable by the MSM and electorate is a testament to its undue power.

It’s no accident that there are 6 fundamentalist Catholics on the Robert’s Extreme Court all of whom belong to hard right Catholic organizations like Opus Dei and Knights of Malta. Scalia belonged to Opus Dei. Sotomayer is also Catholic but not a fundamentalist. I claim it’s no accident they’re on the Extreme Court because in addition to McConnell, the person who’s largely responsible for the packed Extreme Court has been insidiously engineering the judiciary under the radar for decades to codify Catholic theology into our constitution. Leonard Leo, who heads the Federalist Society, grooms and vets Federalist lawyers for judicial appointments including the Extreme Court. It was from his list that trump picked the 3 hard right Catholic candidates that were confirmed to the Court. Leo is a hard right, fundamentalist Catholic himself.

These same 6 Catholic fundamentalists abolished legal abortion in keeping with Catholic theology. If one thinks the Vatican will stop it’s misogynist campaign against women’s rights by not going after those states where abortion is still legal then one is naive if not stupid. Those 6 also recently voted to require taxpayers to fund private religious schools. Many of those schools are Catholic. Coincidence?

One has no further to look than Poland for what’s coming down the pike regarding our packed Extreme Court. Poland was the go-to nation in the European Union for women seeking abortions. Then the Vatican began to infiltrate the Polish government and pass legislation outlawing abortion among other Catholic agendas. It’s the same MO that the Vatican used in Ireland, Poland, Brazil, Central America and more including the U.S.

When RvW was passed it wasn’t evangelicals who complained about the ruling. In fact, evangelicals at the time including the Southern Baptist Convention weren’t officially opposed to RvW. However, the Vatican was adamantly opposed for the same reasons they oppose artificial contraception including the pill and condoms. It has been the Vatican hierarchy that has been most involved in overturning RvW. Evangelicals only came to the issue later thanks to the gop.

The gop and Vatican nation work hand in hand. Both are hierarchical, paternalistic, misogynistic, authoritarian, undemocratic and ruled over by white males. Trump is the gop’s Pope with their followers believing both infallible. If any other nation on Earth had insinutated itself, meddled and undermined our Constitution as the Vatican has done we would have attacked them economically, diplomatically and/or militarily.

Make no mistake. The Vatican has learned over millennia to take the long view. It’s taken generations for the Vatican to finally realize its goal to make abortion illegal again. It won’t stop with abortion. I suspect that the next item on the Vatican/gop agenda will be to make contraception illegal again as per Thomas’ concurring opinion in overturning RvW. The Vatican will be codifying its political/religious theology into our Constitution for generations to come unless voters stop it.

